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30 October 2013

Punished before Bedtime

Kami had been a very naughty girl and had shamed everyone at home with her poor behaviour at school. She knew what was coming before bedtime as she had been promised a proper good old fashioned humiliating discipline with his hand, hairbrush and something else which would be a nasty surprise! Kami was understandably nervous but only had herself to blame as she was told to assume the position over his knee for an unwanted bare bottom spanking. She was then given the hairbrush which stung like hell as she was further punished, wriggling in shame over his lap before the concluding part of her punishment she knew nothing about... an old fashioned leathering with his belt! This was a particularly hard scene which had Kami whimpering and in tears at the end ensuring she was a little more aware of what would happen to her again if she dared bring the family name into disrepute from Triple A Spanking!


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